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Our solutions

4 major problems Farm and gardens food industry is facing:

  • (Non) public data

  • Scattered historical data with limited access

  • No ability to share data between centralized databases

  • Buyers are not aware of the origin of the food


The idea and solution

WordFarmGardens marketplace is a blockchain-based solution that gathers as much information as possible about food’ history from different sources like centralized country registries, the WordFarm marketplace, other sources and puts it into blockchain registry.

We will also create an environment where farmers are providing us permission to retrieve the data of their processes.

All data that’s in the blockchain registry cannot be changed, faked, rewritten or manipulated. It provides full transparency and builds trust about the food origin. And most importantly, all farmer’s history data becomes de-centralized and publicly accessible. This is key element why we chose to execute project as blockchain registry.

Any person or company who checks food’s data via WorldFarmGardens product can be 100% sure that no one manipulated infos about its producer and the processes used.

Cette chaîne est prévue pour bientôt !
Partners invited to join the project 

© 2023 alpha site by WorldFarm

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